ONI, NZ, Wellington, Personal Training, Manual Therapy, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physio, Gym (8).jpg

Meet Jules



"Jules is someone who has your back. She's straight up, warm, and dependable."

My journey into bodywork took place over a decade or so.  My original interest was in joining the police force – I liked the idea of being fit enough to pass the physical test. Over the next several years I got a job in the corporate world and after plenty of fun times, pay rises and procrastination I suddenly found myself with a small family to take care of. I got really involved in my sports (indoor/outdoor netball and darts) and the gym/fitness scene and decided that what I really wanted was to be a personal trainer or physiotherapist. 

But then there was a wedding to pay for, a house to buy, and eventually another child on the way. More reasons to stay put. After the birth of my second child, I decided enough was enough. I wasn’t happy where I was and knew where I wanted to be. 

I wanted to set an example for my children; don’t settle for anything - do what you love to do.  
ONI, NZ, Wellington, Personal Training, Manual Therapy, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physio, Gym (10).jpg

The downside was that my goals required out of town study. I couldn’t just uproot my family to follow my dream. So I started looking for alternative options in the Wellington Region and found the New Zealand College of Massage. It was like fate, they offered part-time weekend study and I was technically still on maternity leave so this worked well for me. I would be able to test the waters and keep my job! It was really the beginning of the end of my corporate career. I finished the certificate course and couldn’t get enough. So I quit my job and enrolled in full time study with NZCM. In early 2017 I opened my own studio in Upper Hutt and before long I was offered the chance to join ONI – which of course I jumped at!

- Jules Browne, Manual Therapist