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Goal Setting

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The first lesson of this program is one that focuses predominantly on introspection (self observation).

  1. What are goals?

  2. Mindfulness

Next lesson: Habits

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Lesson 1: Goals

What are goals?

Anything and everything that you want is essentially a goal. It’s what gives you direction in all aspects of life and helps you move towards the kind of person you want to be.

The thing about goals though, is that you actually have to figure out what you want first (and it turns out that it’s not that easy).


Do you know what you want?

How many people, do you think, can tell you what they want to do with their lives?

It’s a hard question that a lot of people don’t give much thought to. Most have an inkling of what they want, but find it difficult to communicate it or build a clear picture of it.

But build a clear picture you must.

The mind is vast and ideas will always lurk in the fringes of articulation until you bring them to attention. Until you wrestle these inklings from the depths and into the forefront of your mind, they will never become thoughts that become action.


Practise mindfulness

For you to set meaningful goals in life that are purposeful to you, you must know:

  • Where you’ve been (past)

  • Where you are now (present)

  • Where you want to go (future)

The clearer you can build this map, the more powerfully you can pursue your goals.

Some people are more mindful of themselves than others, just like how some people are more suited to different sports than others, but it is a skill that anybody can practise and become better at (you will learn about building habits next lesson).

“Research suggests that when we intentionally practise being mindful, we feel less stressed, anxious and depressed, and more balanced and in tune with what is happening inside and outside of our bodies. The resulting calm and clarity boosts wellbeing, broadens perspective and provides an important foundation for learning.”


A goal isn’t truly your own unless it came from you.

Expectations from others is not a true goal.

Task: Goal Setting

You will find the task for this lesson attached in the same email that you received this one.