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Careers: ONI Personal Training

Stage 2


Stage 2: Case Scenario


At ONI we have head coaches who conduct consultations for new leads who want to see what our studio and services are all about. They walk the lead through our approach and discuss goals, history, and limitations with the lead in person before setting them up as a client with a personal trainer.


One of the head coaches has just completed a consultation with a lead and has matched them with you. The head coach has run through her consultation notes and brief with you (notes are below). Your task is to write a session plan for this new client’s first session with you. This should include further questions you want to ask the client (allow for enough time to chat). This is a paid session and is 60 minutes long.

Alongside this session plan, we also want to see a 4 - 6 week roadmap of a program for this client. This does not need to be overly detailed or in depth as you haven’t worked with this client yet and don’t know exactly where they’re at with their fitness, but should act as a guide so you know (and we know) what direction you are taking this client and what sort of progressions you have in mind.

Consultation Brief and Notes:

  • Name: Jane

  • Sex: Female

  • Age: 46

  • Medical Conditions: None

  • Medication: None

  • Previous Injury: Bulged disc 2 years ago

Goals: Get fitter, stronger, and build confidence

Motivation: Doesn’t feel confident in own skin, feels overweight, feels like she’s getting older, wants to stay healthy, wants to keep up with kids and be a good role model

History: Has tried group gym classes but doesn’t enjoy them as she doesn’t feel confident she’s doing the movements correctly. Bulged disc lifting furniture at home 2 years ago, rehabbed with physio and is now pain free and okay to do general exercise, but will feel mild discomfort in lumbar if sitting for too long or lifting objects - feels anxious about using her back.

Current levels of exercise: None

Current levels of sleep and energy: 6-7 hours of sleep on average per night, feels tired regularly

Current nutrition: Doesn’t know what exactly she should be eating, currently making meals that are quick and easy for her family (husband and 2 kids aged 10 and 13) - sounds like lots of carbs and not enough vegetables

Measures of success (defined by client): Losing weight, muscle tone, fitting clothes better, feeling more confident in own skin, feeling more confident with back, feeling more energised throughout the day, returning to previous levels of fitness (used to go on trail walks regularly, but life got busy) will make her feel like she’s making progress in the right direction

Obstacles: Time management, confidence with back, kids take priority, energy levels, accountability

To submit:

  1. 60 Minute Initial Session Plan

  2. 4 - 6 Week Program Roadmap

Please send your submissions to with the subject line: Stage 2: Case Scenario Submission